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- Experience / Library Projects / The Memory Room / Other Dementia Resources
Other Dementia Resources

Resources for Loan
Newcastle Libraries have items on the following topics that you can borrow:
Dementia and Alzheimer's
Dementia and Carers
Dementia and Children
Oral History kits: would you like to capture the memories of your family, and loved ones as a keepsake? The Library has Oral History recording kits available for loan. Each kit contains a H4n Pro Handy Recorder together with an Oral History Handbook which will give you some tips and hints on how to create wonderful recordings to enjoy and share.
Dementia Australia is a national organisation that provides information, education and support to healthcare professionals and carers of Australians living with dementia. It offers family members invaluable support services, ranging from the Dementia Helpline, Dementia Carer workshop, Dementia Australia library, Dementia Design Services, and Dementia Carer Support groups.
Dementia Australia’s 24 hour support helpline is P: 1800 100 500
Dementia-friendly communities encourage individuals, community groups, organisations, and businesses to make practical changes that will have a positive impact on the lives of people living with dementia and their carers. This website provides free online learning about dementia and what you can do to help.
Moving Pictures raise dementia awareness in CALD communities. This series of videos are provided in 9 languages - Arabic, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hindi, Tamil, Spanish, Vietnamese, Italian and Greek.
These apps offer support, guidance and fun for those with dementia and their families.
Dementia Friendly Home: Developed by Dementia Australia and The Deakin Software and Technology Innovation Laboratory. It provides carers with ideas to make their home more accessible for people living with dementia. Download the app for Android or iOS.
A Better Visit: Developed by Dementia Australia and features a range of two-player games designed to enhance communication. It aims to facilitate positive social interactions between people with dementia and their visitors, especially those in residential care. Download the app for Android or iOS.
A Walk Through Dementia: Developed by Alzheimer Research UK and is designed to put you in the shoes of someone living with dementia. The app features three everyday situations and demonstrates symptoms that pose challenges to those with dementia. Download the app for iOS.
Nymbl: This UK app is based on 35 years of clinical research and improves independence and promotes physical activities. It offers a variety of balance tools and increases emotional health and confidence. Download the app for Android or iOS.